速報APP / 娛樂 / Do You know?

Do You know?





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Surat, GJ, INDIA

Do You know?(圖1)-速報App

Wondering Do you know? you friends or partner? If you are this is the perfect app for you.

Do you really know your best friend (Best friend forever)? Do you really know you partner? Take the test today to find out!

Do You know?(圖2)-速報App

Do you Know? app features of amusing, fun, interesting, and easy-to-read content.

Its about amazing facts to show by clicking on the answer in Quetion

Do You know?(圖3)-速報App

This game calculates how much you and your friend or couple know each other after answering a series of questions.

First you have to answer personal questions that will be different depending on who you're playing with. Then you must let the other person with whom you play answer the same questions, trying to get their answers match yours.

Do You know?(圖4)-速報App

Do you Know? app is the Questions, Game, Friends, Couples, challenge, multiplayer, Test.

Do You know?(圖5)-速報App